Tag: nomination

Brochure 2023

We are pleased to present the Soldiering On Awards 2023 Souvenir Brochure. Click the button or image to open. Click here

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Soldiering on Awards 2022 - Finalists Announcement (4)
Finalists 2022

Animal Partnership Award

Animal Partnership Award Sponsored by Pets at Home About this Award… An award to honour the unique relationships and companionship provided by animals, and/or the achievements of individuals or organisations

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FIMT Working Together Award - SOA 2022
Finalists 2022

Working Together Award

Working Together Award Sponsored by The Forces in Mind Trust About this Award… An award to honour a group of people, team or organisation that has demonstrated an enduring commitment

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Education, Training and Development Award Sponsored by Capita
Finalists 2022

Education, Training and Development Award

Education, Training and Development Award Sponsored by Capita About this Award… An award to honour excellence in the provision of; vocational education, training or skills development. This may be in

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SOA 2022 BMF Sponsor
Finalists 2022

Sporting Excellence Award

Sporting Excellence Award Sponsored by BMF Human Performance About this Award… An award to honour a person that has overcome challenges in pursuit of sporting excellence demonstrated outstanding achievement in

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Healthcare & Rehabilitation Award  Sponsored by Redwood Technologies Group
Finalists 2022

Healthcare & Rehabilitation Award

Healthcare & Rehabilitation Award  Sponsored by Redwood Technologies Group About this Award… An award to honour a person or team that has demonstrated a major commitment and contribution in support

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Defence Inclusivity Award  Sponsored by Landmarc
Finalists 2022

Defence Inclusivity Award 

Defence Inclusivity Award  Sponsored by Landmarc About this Award… An award to honour the commitment and achievements of an individual, team or organisation in delivering greater diversity and inclusion within

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Inspiration Award Sponsored by NatWest
Finalists 2022

Inspiration Award

Inspiration Award Sponsored by NatWest About this Award… An award to honour a person that has overcome significant challenges, injury or disability, and whose ongoing or past outstanding achievements are

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